BSc (Hons)

Sport and Exercise Nutrition


The BSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition focuses on the vast knowledge related to aspects in this field, particularly the relation between food science and sport or psychology. The graduates are able to understand the long-lasting effects of sports nutrition and regular exercise and the importance of healthy lifestyles. The nutrition and exercise fields are very dynamic globally, their importance being increasingly recognised by governments. The course is designed to allow in also applicants that do not meet standard entry requirements of holding traditional qualifications.

Career pathway

There is a wide range of career opportunities for graduates of this course, due to the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired. Some of the popular career paths for aspirants are human nutrition, food technology, naturopathy, sports nutrition, health improvement, nutritional therapy, medical sales or community education, among others.

Work industries

The health industry is vast and offers many opportunities to graduates of this course, as the need for professionals in the nutrition and exercise field is increasing. Jobs are found in all organisations within this industry, like government aid agencies, local authorities or the NHS, international charities and voluntary organisations, multinational food manufacturers or sport and leisure club, associations or companies. Additionally, there are positions available in education for graduates of this course.

Skills achieved

The most important skills acquired through this course are the interpersonal skills, much needed to build rapport with clients, patients or students, but also communication, time management and organisational skills. But problem-solving, resilience and a non-judgemental attitude are also imperative.

Next Course Available After Graduation

MSc/MBA (master’s degree) in the cognate discipline.


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